MapRA email 13 September

A correction. In the last email I gave the address of the piece of land coming for auction as 64 St Gabriel’s Road. It is more properly described as: “land at rear of 40 Exeter Road (previously the garden), facing St Gabriel’s Road”.  To help in retaining the land undeveloped with the trees; contact Andree at:
Land adjacent to 3 Dawlish Road.  There is an application: see below, to demolish a garage and build on the original garden land of No 3 Dawlish Road. This proposal is back garden development and MapRA believes should be strongly opposed. The expiry date for neighbours comments is Thursday 15 Sept but we are likely to have at least to this weekend to make comments. This link allows you to quickly register on the planning portal and then view other objections and make your own comments. MapRA’s objection is on there but I can forward it to anyone who needs it.

Vaccination clinic. the pop-up vaccination clinic in the basement of the Central Mosque of Brent in Station Parade is returning to the fray. New sessions, with booster jabs both for the over-50s and for those with GPs letters declaring extra vulnerability, plus any missed earlier jabs for all, will be on a turn-up, no booking needed, basis. Session are on Sundays only 10am-30m: dates are: September 18, October 2, 16 and 30, November 13 and 27.

Current local Planning applications
(For details search  Brent Planning New items in red)
  • Appn 22/3087, 127 Dartmouth Road.  Comments by 13 October
Removal and replacement of existing roof tiles with new clay roof tiles
  • Appn 22/3023, 127A  Dartmouth Road.  Comments by 13 Octoberr
Repainting of front entrance and adjacent timber doors, replacement of front timber doors with new timber sash windows
  • Appn 22/2653, 49 St Gabriel’s Road.  Comments by 22 September
Rear dormer loft conversion with 2 side rooflights.
  • Appn 22/2840, 3 Teignmouth Road.  Comments by 22 September
Proposed alteration and extension of bay window to rear of dwellinghouse.
  • Appn 22/2846, land adjacent to 3 Dawlish Road.  Comments by 20 September
Demolition of existing property and proposed erection of new two storey dwellinghouse with basement level, new outbuilding to rear, cycle and waste storage, off road car parking, front boundary treatment and associated hard and soft landscaping.
Brent vaccination schedule. Link
Virus Support information.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;  
Cricklewood Library update  
Latest from Brent Council Queen Elizabeth.
Culture in Brent:
Brent Environment Network Newsletter: Spring, new leaf
London National Park City Network Newsletter
MapRA Facebook page.

Gerry Weston

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