New home for Ukrainian mother and daughter. A neighbour of a member has asked if anyone might know of someone who could offer lodging. A local family has been hosting a Ukrainian mother & daughter (who speaks excellent English) for the past 7 months. The arrangement has been very successful and the guests have been very resourceful and got on well with their hosts. The mother has a childminding job locally and the daughter has a scholarship to Haberdasher;s Aske’s where she is doing her A levels. The hosts are now trying to help them find a new home locally. Ideally, they are looking for somewhere to stay for about 1 - 2 years and would be paying a small rent (plus the monthly compensation paid by the Govt).If anyone has space in their house and wants some company, they would make great tenants. But if anyone could take them even for a few months, that would be helpful. If so, let me know and I’ll put you in touch to explore further.