MapRA email 18 Feb


Reminder The Community Skip is coming to Olive Road on today, 2pm to 4pm. You can drop off up to five bulky items free of charge, as long as you can show proof of a Brent address. Further details of what they can and can't accept, and for any last-minute changes see link

Open Studios fundraiser in support of earthquake relief. At Metroland studios (91 Kilburn Square) today 18 Feb 1-5pm. Including free food, kid’s activities, screenings and to meet some of the artists working and making at the Studios. More details and to book (free and no need to register but useful to give idea of numbers). Link

Tree workshop for Children (3-8 years). Free creative workshop at Cricklewood Library. Today 2-330pm. And café is open. To book a place email:

Tree removal on land adjacent to 64 St Gabriel's Road. I’ve had a reply (as others who complained probably have had) from Julie Hughes, Brent Principal Tree Officer to provide an update.

“I have identified the new owner of the property and have been in communication with them. They are aware that the two Plane trees on the St Gabriel’s Road frontage are protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) and that no works can take place to these trees without first seeking consent from the Council. With regard to the recent clearance of the site; while there may have been a significant amount of the vegetation cleared from the site, it would appear that there is only clear evidence of one tree having been removed from the site. This a conifer adjacent to the boundary with 64 St Gabriel’s Road near to the rear corner of the property. The required notice wasn’t given to the Council in relation to the intention to remove the tree and we are currently speaking to the owner about this breach. I will update you again in due course regarding the progress of this investigation.”

Re-introduction of Hedgehogs in West Hampstead. Talk by Stephen Barabas organised by the community Association of West Hampstead (CAWH). Friday 3 march 730pm at West Hampstead Community Centre, 17 Dornfell Street, NW6 1QN. £6 (£3 concession0029. Book via link

Current local Planning applications
(For details search  Brent Planning and type in ref no in Appn reference no field; New items in red). 

  • Appn 22/0514, Former Electricity Sub Station next to School, Anson Road.  Comments by 10 March

Variation of Condition No 2 (Development carried out in accordance with approved drawings and documents) and 3 (External Materials) to allow: Minor amendments to internal layouts to accommodate Building Control and Fire regs, removal of perforated brick to front elevation, installation of red metal roof instead of VM zinc roof and use of mixed red texture brick of Full Planning Permission reference 19/2354 dated 27 August, 2019, for Demolition of existing substation and redevelopment of the site to provide 4 residential dwellings & associated hard and soft landscaping

  • Appn 22/0345, The Hope Centre, 228 Walm Lane  Comments by 6 March

Proposed construction of single storey ancillary accommodation building, associated hard and landscaping and replacement of existing boundary fence to north western area of the school site

  • Appn 22/4298, 39A & 39B Exeter Road.  Comments by 23 February

Proposed amalgamation of the two existing flats to recreate original single dwellinghouse, together with 2x single storey rear extensions and associated internal reconfiguration

  • Appn 23/0076, 9 St Gabriel’s Road.  Comments by 23 February

Proposed vehicular crossover, new hardstanding and reduction in width of front boundary wall

Police contact. NWMailbox-.SNTMapesbury&
    (However still use 101 to report ongoing problems or 999 in emergency.)

Brent vaccination programme: Link
Guide to tradesmen and services. 
Latest from Brent: Borough Plan / budget OK’d
Culture in Brent: LGBT+ history month
Brent Environment Network Newsletter: An exciting green year ahead
Ashford Place;

MapRA Facebook page.

Gerry Weston

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