MapRA email 2 June

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations
  • At Gabriel's church Saturday 2-5 tea coffee and cakes. Live entertainment, trips up the tower, face painting and bouncey slide.
  • Oaklands Road and B&Q green space. Saturday 4 June. 1pm-6pm. Organised by Cricklewood Town Team and funded by the Arts Council. An afternoon of free fun, music, dance, food, entertainment and celebration.
  • Olive Road street party 12am Sunday 5 June. All welcome. More on link
  • Beacon  Lighting: Thursday 2 June from 9pm to 10pm at Wembley stadium approach. More and to book at Eventbrite link  And more see under.Latest from Brent Council, below.
  • West Hampstead free tea party (just need to book) Saturday 4 June 3pm; followed by optional nature walk with Lynda Stuart; West Hampstead Community Centre, 17 Dornfell Street NW6 RSVP via  7794 3729 or email 


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Current local Planning applications
(For details search  Brent Planning New items in red)

  • Appn 22/1607 Garages Rear of, Westly Court, Dartmouth Road    Comments by 9 June
Demolition of existing garages and erection of three storey dwellinghouse with roof terrace, provision of bin store, relocation of existing bin store and associated landscaping
  • Appn 22/1575 137 Cricklewood Broadway   Comments by 1 June
Single storey rear extension to dry cleaners


Brent vaccination schedule. Link
Virus Support information.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;  
Cricklewood Library update  

Latest from Brent Council  Marking Queen's Jubilee in Brent
Culture in Brent: Football comes to the stage
Brent Environment Network Newsletter: Spring, new leaf
London National Park City Network Newsletter
MapRA Facebook page.

Gerry Weston

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