MapRA email 20 November

B&Q devt - correction. In the last email when I put that “Brent council didn’t seek to defend the Central categorisation”; should of course have been Barnet Council.

Ben Tansley of North West Two residents is leading local resident associations (including MapRA) in the public enquiry (he has obtained what is termed ‘rule 6 status’ – this allows him to cross examine other witnesses as well as call his own).
TV Licence and DVLA scams again. These emails persuade you to click on suspicious links to update your TV or driving licence information or claim a refund. They use official logos to create convincing scam emails that urge you into clicking. Which magazine shows examples here

Council Budget consultation. Brent Council would like to invite people who live and work in the borough to tell them views on the proposals for the 2023/24 Budget; what services are the most important to local people so they can make the best decisions about where to make savings. To take part in the survey, please click the link

Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO). The Council adopted the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on 3rd November 2022. This followed consideration of consultation responses received over an 8 week period ending on the 22nd September 2022. On the whole responses were positive and only minor changes were made to the SPD to provide greater clarity on standards. The planning is at link and provides guidance on all HMOs, and is complementary to the Council’s recently confirmed Article 4 direction. This from 1st November 2022 removed permitted development rights and will require planning permission for Use Class C4 small HMOs (up to 6 people) when changing use from residential dwellings (Use Class C3) in most of the borough. The document makes it clear that other Council approvals should also be obtained when delivering a HMO, such as private sector housing licensing and building regulations. For queries contact

Cricklewood Community library; festive events.  
  • Jazz night next Friday 25 Nov, 7pm.
  • Carols by Candlelight on 11 December.
  • Family friendly concert on Friday 16 December. For parents and kids only. Free,
  • Winter Piano and Cello Recital. later that evening Friday 16 December;
Info and booking at link
Barn Dance; Sat 26 Nov 750pm Emmanuel church, West Hampstead. All ages welcome;Partners / experience not neccesary.  £5 – pay at door. Further information 020 7794n  3729 or info Organised by Community Association West Hampstead.
Current local Planning applications
(For details search  Brent Planning New items in red)
  • Appn 22/3630, 21a Exeter Road.  Comments by 25 November
Proposed erection of outbuilding in the rear garden
  • Appn 21/4175, 69 Walm Lane.  Appeal against Brent Planning refusal.  Comments to Planning Inspetorate by 23 November
Retrospective permission for front decking seating area and retracting canopy and proposed increase in flat roof height to accommodate mezzanine and alterations to shopfront
Police contact. NWMailbox-.SNTMapesbury&
    (However still use 101 to report ongoing problems or 999 in emergency.)
Brent vaccination schedule. Link
Virus Support information.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;  
Cricklewood Library update  
Latest from Brent  Budget Proposals
Culture in Brent: Islamophobia awareness month +t
Brent Environment Network Newsletter: Spring, new leaf
London National Park City Network Newsletter
MapRA Facebook page.

Gerry Weston

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