MapRA email 23 January


Volunteer Delivery Drivers

Our local food aid group;  Mutual Aid Food Willesden (MAFW), is looking for volunteer delivery drivers. Every Tuesday from the Pakistan Community Centre. between 1230 and 4pm; any duration useful

Fake delivery texts

Which magazine reports that scammers are targeting the Post Office in a fake text scam that is rather convincing. The texts state that a parcel delivery has failed and ask recipients to click the link to ‘book a new date’ or ‘reschedule a delivery’ via two sites that have nothing to do with the Post Office. More

Electric vehicle charging points

Brent Council are rolling out Electric Vehicle charging at 242 lamp column charging points. More

Reminder; Brent Connects meeting 25 Jan, 6-8pm

Focus on the Council's draft budget and the Let's Talk Climate conversation. For information and to book a place; link
Chess at the Library
Willesden Chess Club have moved to the Cricklewood Community Library, 152 Olive Rd. Club night is every Monday (September-June); Social Chess: 6pm - 9pm; Junior Coaching: 6pm - 7:15pm. The first 3 sessions are free.

Current local Planning applications
(For details search Brent Planning. New items in red)

  • Appn: 21/4019. 81 Dartmouth Road. Comments by 17 February
    Removal of existing front concrete drive and pathway and replacement with clay paviours, new bike store and small additional planting area
  • Appn: 21/4685. 15 St Gabriel’s Road. Comments by 3 February
    New front boundary wall and new soft landscaping and hardstanding.


Vaccine; every Friday at Mosque, 10am-3pm, no appointment needed
Brent Vaccine bus and vaccination pop-up schedule. Link
Virus Support information. Book free covid test.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;  
Cricklewood Library update; Including crowd-funder appeal for new cafe 
Latest from Brent Council On the road to recovery
Culture in Brent:  Poetry for the soul
Brent Environment Network. Climate – what next

London National Park City Network Newsletter

MapRA Facebook page.
Gerry Weston

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