MapRA email 26 February



Community skip tomorrow Sat 26 Feb 2pm to 4pm; near 48 Anson Road, You can drop off up to five bulky items free of charge, as long as you can show proof of a Brent address.

And we are taking the opportunity to clean up the alleyway beside no 48 (with assistance from Brent). Good to see anyone who can help; Wear gloves.

Mutual Aid group

Besides any unwanted clothing the group would be glad to have empty egg boxes; Take to Pakistan Community Centre on Tuesdays (1230pm- 4pm)

Community Grants

Brent Council is relaunching 2 community grants programmes.  The 'Love Where You Live' Grant has increased to £1000 for local projects – residents and organisations can submit a shorter application that will be processed very quickly. The Edward Harvist Grant now has a shorter payment time –  you do not have to submit receipts each quarter and payment is made in full in advance.

For more information see link widely or contact or

Current local Planning applications
(For details search  Brent Planning New items in red)

  • Appn: 22/0422  224b Walm Lane.  Comments by 10 March
Single storey rear infill extension to ground floor flat
  • Appn: 21/2473  Watling Gardens.  Still awaiting decision; comments still welcome.
Demolition of 1-11 Watling Gardens, 1-30 Claire Court and the associated podium car parking and substation and redevelopment to provide 125 flats: 80 for general needs (Use Class: C3) and 45 for extra care (Use Class: C3(b)) in three separate buildings ranging from 3 to 14 storeys, alongside access improvements, car parking, cycle parking, refuse and recycling storage, amenity space, landscaping and other associated works


Brent vaccination schedule. Link
Virus Support information.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;  
Cricklewood Library update; Including crowd-funder appeal for new cafe 

Latest from Brent Council Storms, war, budget
Culture in Brent:  World book day plus
Brent Environment Network. Climate – what next
London National Park City Network Newsletter

MapRA Facebook page.

Gerry Weston

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