MapRA email 26 March

Ukraine refugees

One of our members, has a contact in Kyiv, a lady called Julia Sporysh. She has set up an small NGO that works with displaced mothers and children, doing fixed cost items like clothing and hygiene packs, specific medicines that need to be bought outside Ukraine and hand carried in, and food when needed. Julia is coordinating this from a place on in Poland on the Ukraine & Belarussia border. Her husband is in Kyiv, along with a couple of young employees of the firm. One can support them directly, I think.
There is another approach that we in Mapesbury, and perhaps wider, can follow to provide support. What Julia would like to do is to ‘twin’ families, so a household here ‘sponsors’ a refugee family over there, so the support becomes more personal. Be good to do this as a Mapesbury support action – our member suggested to Julia we do this with a Mapesbury group zoom with Julia telling us us what it’s like, what people are feeling, how everyone is being affected and how we can help. Let me know if you would be interested in joining this group zoom idea.

Gladstone park litter pick.

Tomorrow. 10am-12noon, Anson Road entrance. Wear gloves! Litter picks and bags provided. Organised by Friends of Gladstone Park, and Gladsotne wildlife.  Facebook link: Gladstone Wildlife

"Kilburn Silver Screens" Walk

There was a good turn-out (25 ish) last week for Lia’s Cricklewood walk. Another sponsored walk arranged for this coming Wednesday March 39. Start at 1.30pm with guided walk (led by qualified guide Alan Howell) covering the location and history of cinemas in Kilburn. Meet at Kiln Cinema in Buckley Road. Booking (free) is essential. Envelope collection during the walk (min £10 recommended). Money raised will go to Mayor’s charities; Parkinson’s UK and Cricklewood Community Libnrary

MapRA Gardening club ...

,,,  has space for a few new members.  The club has been fairly quiet over the last couple of years with Covid restrictions, but monthly meetings are starting up again, usually at 7.30 on the 3rd or 4th Monday of the month.  The meetings sometimes include a guest speaker;  discussions on gardening matters; or club members give short talks on areas they are interested in.  It is always a fun sociable occasion. Members share their gardening pleasures and problems and try and advise one another.  There are also gardening outings & walks.  The Gardening club also organise the biennial Open Gardens Day and the Mapesbury Fete.  So if anyone would like to get involved with the fete organising, now would be a good time to join.  If anyone is interested please contact Teresa on 020 8830 2393.  Next meeting is on Monday 28th March which a few potential new members could attend.

MapRA annual report sponsorship

In process of producing our printed annual report to all members. If you would like to sponsor the report for your local business let me know by Tuesday (cost £15 less one year free membership)

Current local Planning applications
(For details search  Brent Planning New items in red)

  • Appn 22/0539  153B Dartmouth Road.  Comments by 7 April
Replacement of existing windows with double glazed white timber framed units to first floor flat
  • Appn 22/0590  55 St Gabriel’s Road.  Comments by 31 March
Erection of a single storey side extension to enlarge existing rear extension and internal alterations
  • Appn 22/0806  20a Chichele Road.  Comments by 31 March
Proposed loft conversion with rear dormer and installation of 1 rear and 2 side rooflights


Brent vaccination schedule. Link
Virus Support information.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;  
Cricklewood Library update; Including crowd-funder appeal for new cafe 

Latest from Brent Council  various updates
Culture in Brent: Shakespeare week and Jane Austen
Brent Environment Network. Climate – what next
London National Park City Network Newsletter

MapRA Facebook page.

Gerry Weston

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