B&Q devt – further correction. Ben Tansley of North West Two Residents acssociation asks me to say that he is to be the named spokesperson but he doesn;t have Rule 6 status personally (it is rarely granted to individuals). So NorthWestTwo has obtained Rule 6 status and they are grouping together with other RAs including MapRA
£400 energy discount scam. You may have received, as I have, an email saying "you are eligible for the £400 GBP non-repayable Energy Bill Support Scheme discount". Implies that have to do something (ends with Proceed now link). However,it is a scam – the address sending is not governmental. And you do not need to apply for the discount..
Cash machine robbery. A member was robbed of several hundred pounds last week outside the GP Surgery in Dartmouth Road by a two man team. They told him that a parking meter warden was nearby and he needed to get a ticket very quickly; and they would "help him ". The darker skinned taller man was wearing a Covid mask the other, shorter man was not, but possibly wearing a yellow jacket. They watched him insert his card at the cash machine and enter his pin number and then vanished with his card , which they somehow palmed, and withdrew the money. When he realised that his card had gone he went to the bank opposite the station and cancelled the card.
Walk and Talk for Women and Girls. On Tuesday 29 November 2022 at 2pm local Police are holding a female only event starting at Cricklewood Library,152 Olive Road, - next to Gladstone Park. This is to enable anyone who wishes to speak to a female police officer in confidence during the walk. Meet outside the Library.
If you need to reply regarding this message, reply to email address: willesdengreen.snt@met.police.uk
FREE Energy Saving Workshop. Tuesday 29 Nov, 6-730pm at Brent Civic Centre. Intended for local businesses struggling to pay their energy bills at the moment. Please book your space at link This is an in-person event hosted by Brent Council and Better Futures+
Energy expert Toby Costin provide information and will be followed by a Q&A session, and networking with refreshments. Any questions, please email them at business@brent.gov.uk |
Bus route consultation; TfL have published a report on the consultation. The 16 bus route is being withdrawn. However the 189 isn't being rerouted to Camden, and nearby the 31 and 98 aren't changing. The 6 is changing to Willesden – Victoria via Grosvenor Gardens, which to some extent replaces the 16. The 332 route isn't changing but it's being renumbered to 16; The N16 route's being kept but renumbered to N32.
For more information see their Consultation report; Decision summary with next steps for each route, with no implementation dates yet. |
Studio Sale. Sunday 4 December. 11am to 5pm. MapRA member Belinda Syme is opening for sale of her pottery and painting. 14 Sheldon Road, NW2 3AJ (free parking on Sundays) |
Christmas Carols: Summary of local events known so far:
- Saturday 10 December, 130-30m, Community Carol Singing. Oaklands Road (by Post office), Nativity Fancy dress competition for children. Infor 2020 8206 1463
- Sunday 11 December. Carols by Candlelight 530-630 pm. Cricklewood Library (Olive Road opp Gladstone Park. Mince pies & mulled wine
- Tuesday 13 December. 630pm Christmas Carols in the Dell (with St Gabriel’s Church Choir and Pak Life singers, Anson Primary School choir). Dell is between 10 and12 Hoveden Road. Mince pies, mulled wine +
Current local Planning applications
(For details search Brent Planning and type in ref no in Appn reference no field; New items in red). Sorry that quite a lot as we had problems receiving the updates
- Appn 22/3807, Flat 1, 71 Cricklewood Broadway. Comments by 1 December
Proposed rear dormer window roof extension and two front rooflights to second floor flat.
- Appn 22/3631, 204 a-c Walm Lane. Comments by 1 December
Proposed replacement of existing windows double glazed windows to three flats
- Appn 22/3711, 18 St Gabriels Road. Comments by 8 December
Proposed replacement front garden wall, extension and alteration to front dormer window
- Appn 22/3626, 44 St Gabriels Road. Comments by 8 December
Proposed single storey rear extension, two rear dormer roof extensions, replacement of front dormer roof, like for like replacement of all windows, enlargement of ground floor rear window, five new ground floor side windows, repositioning of two first floor side windows, two new first floor side windows, replacement of rear plant room outbuilding, rear air source heat pump, reinstatement of front porch canopy, new front door, front elevation features, front hardstanding and soft landscaping, new front boundary wall and new side gate.
- Appn 22/3674, 87 a-h Walm Lane. Comments by 6 December
Proposed erection of a single storey rear/side extension to create a self-contained dwelling, alterations to fenestration to Flats B and F, provision for cycle storage and associated landscaping
- Appn 22/3747, 9 St Gabriels Road. Comments by 8 December
Proposed loft conversion with rear dormer window
- Appn 22/3943, 169-171 Cricklewood Broadway. Comments by 12 December
Proposed change of use of basement and ground floor from a vacant Bank to an Adult Gaming Centre (AGC)
- Appn 22/3688, 9c Exeter Road. Comments by 15 December (revised deadline)
Proposed rear dormer window roof extension and two front rooflights to second floor flat.
- Appn 22/3750, 9 St Gabriels Road. Comments by 15 December
Proposed demolition of existing single storey rear extension and erection of new single story rear extension
- Appn 22/3861, 108 a-c Teignmouth Road. Comments by 15 December
Proposed retain existing permeable hard surfacing and boundary wall to front of flats
- Appn 22/3635, 127 Dartmouth Road. Comments by 22 December
Propsosed alteration of ground floor rear roof and proposed single storey rear extension
Police contact. NWMailbox-.SNTMapesbury&Cricklewood@met.police.uk.
(However still use 101 to report ongoing problems or 999 in emergency.)
Brent vaccination schedule. Link
Virus Support information. https://www.brent.gov.uk/covidtesting
Guide to tradesmen and services. https://mapra.org.uk/local-traders
Ashford Place https://www.ashfordplace.org.uk/;
Cricklewood Library update
Latest from Brent Green skills for greener Borough
Culture in Brent: Christmas concert at Willesden Library 8 Sept
Brent Environment Network Newsletter: Spring, new leaf
London National Park City Network Newsletter
MapRA Facebook page.https://www.facebook.com/mapesburyRA
Gerry Weston https://www.mapra.org.uk/