MapRA email 29 May


Missing girl found

Good news that Priscilla, the girl missing from Queen's Park, has been found OK

B&Q site new consultation

Reminder that deadline is Monday 31 May 2021 for comments. More on

Police action; violence against women

Police recently completed a week of action focussing on Violence Against Women and Girls in North West London. Several very positive outcomes including:

  • 42 successful arrests
  • 11 charges or cautions given to offenders
  • 10 Domestic Violence Protection Orders were put in place to protect victims
  • A 20 week prison sentence was given for breaking a restraining order
  • A 14 week prison sentence was given for breaking a Domestic Violence Protection Order

Minster Road no entry

From Fordwych Road and Shoot-up Hill, no entry from 8-9am and 3-4pm. Several people already have fallen foul of Camden’s camera’s there.

MapRA Facebook page
Thanks to committee member Freddie Fulton we have joined the social media world: like us at:
More Gardening help needed

Some from gardening club are starting to work on the community garden at the Pakistani centre. Elayne is calling it a Peace and Relaxation Community Garden. She has rescued most of the saplings that were planted last year, tidied up the bed by the building and added seed and some soil, and added 2 large pots with perennials to the ex-playground hardstanding. She has got a small grant for materials but needs help. Next planned session 12noon on Wednesday 2 June. More information from

A Cleaner, Greener Brent

Brent Council have a consultation on how to keep our neighbourhoods clean and tidy, communities safe and strong, and our roads and pavements in good working order. The consultation is open until Monday 21st June.

Gladstone Park litter pick. Friends of Gladstone Park are meeting for clean-up litter pick tomorrow Sunday from 10-12. Meet by Anson road entrance to the park. More at Gladstone Wildlife
Mapesbury Spring Clean. Thanks to those who replied to my note about this 2 weeks ago. Have decided to do this on Sunday 6 June starting at 10.30 at WG station; finish at 12noon at the Nest café at the station. Plan to go round as group(s) rather than separate teams. If you can come, helpful to let me know. .

Cricklewood Community Library
They have extended the time for the crowd-funder appeal to reach its target. Before they can receive up to £10,000 of matched funding they need at least 100 supporters and currently have 74. Help if you can: Library update link (including link to crowd-funder appeal).
Brent Gateway Partnership.
Brent Gateway Partnership took over supporting unpaid carers from Brent Carers Centre in December 2019.They provides services in the Borough of Brent, especially focussing on unpaid Carers in the community: Carers could be grandparents, grandchildren, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, friends, neighbours. Ranging from people in their 80’s or 90’s, to the young who may be just 8 years old. Many carers are not aware that there is help and support available to them.  The partnership provides support to Adult Carers, complete Carers’ Needs Assessments, provide carer specific Information and Advice, online Zoom Support Groups, Activities and Training Programmes. They also support Young Carers aged 8 to 18 years old, and provide Social Isolation and Loneliness Prevention and Statutory Advocacy services. For further information contact website:
Current local Planning applications
(For details search Brent Planning. New items in red)
  • App: 21/1085, 32 AnsonRoad. Comments by  4 June.
Proposed replacement of ground floor UPVC and timber doors and window with amended opening sizes to rear replaced with aluminium doors, ground floor side window to be removed and bricked up.
Other  (new items in red)
Virus Support information. Book free covid test.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;  
Cricklewood Library update; Including crowd-funder appeal for new cafe 
Latest from Brent Council:  Testing and vaccination to get back to normal
Culture in Brent: Bike week 30 May – 5 June
Brent Environment Network: Bike week 30 May – 5 June
London National Park City Network Newsletter.
Gerry Weston:

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