International Womens’ Day, Wednesday, 8 March 2023. Dedicated to the celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Brent Council will mark the occasion to celebrate women's achievements and rally for women's equality by running events during the week. Events are:
Membership of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO). The RPO is inviting people who live or work in Brent to join their new membership scheme. Free to join, and membership gives Brent residents and workers access to concert tickets from just £5 for adults (or free tickets for those aged 18 and under). Link to Join Link to view concerts. Questions email Jo Thomson, RPO Friends' & Groups' Manager at
Cricklewood GP Health Centre. Used to be at Britannia Business Centre off Cricklewood Land. On Monday 6 March it is relocating to 7 Oaklands road. (Existing patients do not need to do anything as will continue to be registered with the practice.) The practice telephone number is the same: 0203 826 8084. Further information about the relocation on:
Brent Surplus Food Market. Fridays from 2pm-3pm. 42 Station Parade, Willesden Green.NW2 4PU. Run by Central Mosque of Brent open to everyone regardless of income. Anyone wishing to donate money or food should contact the mosque. or 020 8450 1987 |
Brent Women of Renown. A new project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. It will be rolled out into 6 Brent schools starting in March - International Women's Day/ Women's History Month. The Cricklewood Town Team (CTT), a group of volunteers representing the local community who work to improve the area for residents and business, has been awarded a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £78,000 to celebrate the life and achievements of three Brent Women of Renown who overcame adversity and prejudice to change the world for the better. The outline plan for the project is to work with teachers throughout 2023 in six primary schools and one secondary in Brent. The project will link closely with the National Curriculum to enable young people to learn research skills, including oral history, and to find inspiration in the lives of these three remarkable women:
- Kilburn suffragette, Violet Doudney (1889- 1952), who was imprisoned and force-fed for her beliefs, helped to achieve the Equal Franchise Acts of 1918 and 1928
- They will study the achievements of record-breaking aviator and aero engineer, Amy Johnson (1903-1941) who learnt to fly at Stag Lane Aerodrome while living in Roe Green, Kingsbury.
- Dame Stephanie Shirley, who fled Nazi Germany at the age of five and who grew up to be an influential mathematician, information technology pioneer, businesswoman and philanthropist. Her first role was at the Post Office Research Station, Dollis Hill, working on ERNIE, the first computer to select premium bond winners, and lived in Walm Lane, Willesden.
A significant part of the in-schools work will be the creative workshops where children can express themselves. You can link up with the project on social media - Instagram and Twitter are using BWR_Heritage. More info and full press release here CTT welcomes any feedback - email:
Consultation on 2 Draft Supplementary Planning documents (SPDs). Brent Council is inviting comments up to 30 March on:
- Residential Amenity Space and Place Quality SPD. This clarifies the borough’s expectations for well-designed places. It supports the Brent Local Plan’s objectives to ensure that new homes and neighbourhoods are designed to provide a high quality of life. Link to document and survey:
- Sustainable Environment and Development SPD. This provides guidance on the Council’s expectations for sustainable development within the borough. It brings together a number of policy themes into one document. This will ensure development results in more effective climate change mitigation and adaptation. Link to document and survey:
These draft SPDs have been produced to support the policies within the Brent Local Plan (2019 – 2041) which can be found here: Once adopted, they will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. If you wish to make representations, you must include a name and a postal and/ or e-mail address. Brent will show the name of any organisations that respond, but not those of individuals or any other personal information.
Current local Planning applications
(For details search Brent Planning and type in ref no in Appn reference no field; New items in red).
- Appn 22/0514, Former Electricity Sub Station next to School, Anson Road. Comments by 10 March
Variation of Condition No 2 (Development carried out in accordance with approved drawings and documents) and 3 (External Materials) to allow: Minor amendments to internal layouts to accommodate Building Control and Fire regs, removal of perforated brick to front elevation, installation of red metal roof instead of VM zinc roof and use of mixed red texture brick of Full Planning Permission reference 19/2354 dated 27 August, 2019, for Demolition of existing substation and redevelopment of the site to provide 4 residential dwellings & associated hard and soft landscaping
- Appn 22/0345, The Hope Centre, 228 Walm Lane Comments by 6 March
Proposed construction of single storey ancillary accommodation building, associated hard and landscaping and replacement of existing boundary fence to north western area of the school site.
Police contact. NWMailbox-.SNTMapesbury&
(However still use 101 to report ongoing problems or 999 in emergency.)
Brent vaccination programme: Link
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Latest from Brent: various
Culture in Brent: World Book day plus
Brent Environment Network: Green Neighbourhoods community Action Workshop
Ashford Place;
MapRA Facebook page.
Gerry Weston