MapRA email 30 January


Diabetes event

A free walk-in diabetes clinic is to held in the basement of our local mosque on Friday, 4 February, 10am to 4pm.. Medics from Diabetes UK will be checking patients' blood pressure and blood sugar levels, weighing and measuring them to check their BMI figures and giving advice to those found to be diabetic or seriously overweight. It is also an opportunity to know more on how to prevent or delay diabetic complications.

Brent – National Apprenticeship week 7-13 February

Residents looking for new employment opportunities are invited to attend a series of events with industry experts. Details on link

Recycling clothing

Been asked about this. One can take to a charity shop; deposit in Traid collection bin (nearest on is in Shoot-up Hill near Windmill Court. More inf); one can parcel them up and send to Shelter; free postage (need to get a freepost label. - Also keen to get shoes and accessories and well as Jewellery); Take to Pakistan Community Centre on Tuesdays (1230- 4pm) for the Mapesbury Mutual aid group

Brent Local Plan 2019 – 2041

Brent Council has received the report from the Inspectors that were appointed to examine the submitted draft Brent Local Plan.  The Inspectors have concluded that the Plan provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the London Borough of Brent, provided that a number of main modifications are made to it. Read more at
Windmill Court devt
A substantial development is proposed and people may not be aware of it (though has been circulated to over 800 households nearby). See details in planning section below. Essentially it is demolishing the car park and the low maisonettes and creating 2, 7-storey  buildings to create 60 flats. The application has now been validated and the planning drawings and supporting documents are available to view online. There has been an exhibition/ consultation but not much MapRA engagement. Our Councillor, Mayor Lia Colacicco, has asked and obtained for a document in Q&A form to show how resident concerns have been addressed.  I can circulate that to people interested.

Current local Planning applications
(For details search Brent Planning. New items in red)

  • Appn: 21/4690. Windmill Court. Comments by 4 February (probably later)
Demolition of car park and 1-2 & 5-18 Windmill Court maisonettes and redevelopment to provide 60 flats (Use Class C3) in two separate buildings rising to 7 storeys with car parking, cycle parking, access routes, refuse and recycling storage, amenity space, landscaping, boundary treatments, a substation and other associated works. Internal reconfiguration of the ground and first floors of the existing Windmill Court block and the creation of private terraces to 2 x ground floor (3&4 Windmill Court) flats alongside associated external works including new brickwork and cladding, windows and doors. Extension of the community room and associated external work.
  •  Appn: 21/3641. Flat 3, The Hawthorns, 2A Exeter Road.. Comments by 4 March
Installation of a rear balcony and replacement of the existing dormer window with sliding door to second floor flat.
  • Appn: 22/0198. 127 Dartmouth Road.. Comments by 24 February
 Replacing all front and one side timber sash windows with new double glazed timber sash windows in existing boxes
  • Appn: 21/4019. 81 Dartmouth Road. Comments by 17 February
    Removal of existing front concrete drive and pathway and replacement with clay paviours, new bike store and small additional planting area
  •  Appn: 21/4685. 15 St Gabriel’s Road. Comments by 3 February
    New front boundary wall and new soft landscaping and hardstanding.


Vaccine; every Friday at Mosque, 10am-3pm, no appointment needed
Brent Vaccine bus and vaccination pop-up schedule. Link
Virus Support information. Book free covid test.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;  
Cricklewood Library update; Including crowd-funder appeal for new cafe 

Latest from Brent Council 2022 – year of opportunity
Culture in Brent:  countdown to LGBT+ month

Brent Environment Network. Climate – what next
London National Park City Network Newsletter

MapRA Facebook page.
Gerry Weston

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