MapRA email 4 February


Street Litter pick

Cllr Tariq dar has organised a clean-up pick operation tomorrow Saturday 5 Feb 11am – 1230pm. Volunteers meet outside Ashford Place (60 Ashford Road) . They will provide: Litter pickers, Bags, Gloves, Masks, Sanitisers, Street Map of Cricklewood Mapesbury, Water bottles. All you need to bring is community spirit.

If litter picking is not your scene then you can be great help in reporting local street problems (e.g. fly-tipping, unswept roads, blocked drains and more) using the Love Clean Streets app. Veolia respond pretty well to such notifications. (Download it from:

Pedestrian Crossing

The new layout at the junction in Cricklewood had  problems in that the phasing didn’t really allow safe pedestrian crossing of Chichele Road. After much lobbying by Cllr Lia Colacicco and Brent officers (the Crossing is managed by Barnet) a new phasing is being tested which should make the Brent side safer.

Safety training for pub, bar or restaurant staff

Brent Council in partnership with Night Time Economy Solutions are offering free training for staff to help identify and support vulnerable female customers.  Online training session on Tuesday 22nd February 2022 at 10am. For more information, please visit the following link to register From Lamin Ferguson, Community Safety Engagement Officer,

Brent Health and Well-being bus

For help with: Mental Health, Cancer awaredness, Health cjecks, healthy eating, physical activity, stopping smoking. Various locations; nearst is Willesden Library Friday 18 Feb 10am-4pm.
Mapesbury Treasurer.
We have had interest from one person who might join as our treasurer. Still open to others interested. Let me know

Current local Planning applications
(For details search Brent Planning. New items in red)


Vaccine; every Friday at Mosque, 10am-3pm, no appointment needed
Brent Vaccine bus and vaccination pop-up schedule. Link
Virus Support information. Book free covid test.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;  
Cricklewood Library update; Including crowd-funder appeal for new cafe 

Latest from Brent Council Road to green recovery
Culture in Brent: 
Reggae Celebration
Brent Environment Network. Climate – what next
London National Park City Network Newsletter

MapRA Facebook page.
Gerry Weston

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