MapRA email 9 January


Apologies that Health work by ‘BeeZee Bodies’ in last email was wrongly headed '37 Lydford Road latest'.

Covid vaccination dates

for Brent Central Mosque are 14 and 15 January, from 10am to 1pm. Other Brent vaccination centres see link

Street cleaning buggy nuisance

One member in Dartmouth Road has an issue with these in that it seem to be going for a considerable period of time very loaudly going round corner kerbs then U-turning repeatedly for very long periods of time without actually cleaning. On one occasion started up at 7am for U-turn manoevres. Any one else annoyed by this noise nuisance? (if actively cleaning the street it would be good but not just idling!)

recycling Xmas cards to Leslie Daisley’s charity (The Paul Daisley trust to raise awareness of colon cancer). Drop them off to me at 64 Teignmouth Road (leave in plastic bag outside door);

Membership renewal due?

Will send separate email to you to tell you when you are paid up to.

Current local Planning applications
(For details search Brent Planning. New items in red)

  • Appn: 21/3908 .33 Cricklewood Broadway. Comments by 18 January
Retrospective planning permission for installation of external extractor flue and ducting to rear and installation of Wood Decking enclosure and timber enclosure to the front seating area of Restaurant/Café


Brent Vaccine bus and vaccination pop-up schedule. Link
Virus Support information. Book free covid test.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;  
Cricklewood Library update; Including crowd-funder appeal for new cafe 
Latest from Brent Council Toy appeal; emergency support
Culture in Brent:  Icons of colour exhibition
Brent Environment Network. Climate – what next
London National Park City Network Newsletter

MapRA Facebook page.
Gerry Weston

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