As well as some formal AGM things it is also intended as an enjoyable social and informative occasion so please come along. After a brief Annual General Meeting (at 7.30pm) there will be a short presentation from PC Dan Novakovic and PCSO Ajay Dhokia of our Police Safer Neighbourhood Team with opportunity to ask questions.
There will also be stalls representing the activities of groups and organisations which have an impact on life in Mapesbury including:-
- Brent Services: Refuse, Traffic, Street-care, Trees
- Gardening, Open Gardens Dayl
- Improvements to the local area and town centres
- Charitable groups and the voluntary sector
- Local Police Safer Neighbourhood team
A bar and light refreshments will be available throughout the evening.
- Doors open at 7.00 pm: Bar and refreshments available. Members and guests can visit stalls and socialise.
- 7.30 to 7.55 – Formal part of the AGM
- Welcome by MapRA chair, Steve Iliffe
- MapRA financial report by acting treasurer Gerry Weston
- Elections for chair, secretary, treasurer, auditor, and committee
- Questions on MapRA business
- 8.00 to 8.30 – Stalls, bar, and refreshments.
- 8:30 to 9.15 – Presentation and discussion on Police and Security issues
- 9.15 to 9.45 – Members and guests are welcome to revisit the stalls and enjoy the bar and refreshments.
Please let me know any nominations for the posts of Chair, Organising Secretary and Treasurer in advance of the meeting? We would also like to encourage anyone who wishes to join the committee to get in touch, perhaps joining us for couple of meetings to see how it goes. All residents, their friends and neighbours are welcome to attend. Any resident can join MapRA for only £5 pa (£2 concession) at the door or at the MapRA membership and communication stall. Only members may vote at the formal meeting. If you are due for membership renewal, you can conveniently check and renew at the AGM.
We hope to see you there.
Date(s) - 26/04/20237:00 pm - 9:30 pm