Welcome to 2021. Can’t be worse!? I know someone who has had the first vaccination so it is happening!
Covid Testing. Everyone in Brent aged 12 and over can now get free and regular coronavirus tests, even if you haven’t got symptoms. These include the new ‘rapid tests’, which provide results within 40 minutes. We all need to get tested even if you feel well, as 1 in 3 people who have COVID-19 show no symptoms but could be sharing the virus around the community without knowing. Rapid COVID-19 testing is available at nine sites across the borough, Monday to Sunday, from 9am-6pm. Brent Council – If you don’t have symptoms or call 020 8937 4440.
Our most local, and convenient, site is at the Central Mosque of Brent, Marley Walk; off Station Parade. It is open for testing Monday to Sunday 8am-6pm. Book test online; For further information contact; Dr Raja Amjid Riaz, 07989 – 443172, or Abdul Raul 07956 223411
Scams. General warning from PCSO Ajay Dhokia of our local Mapesbury Community Police. There are many different scams going around; bank scams, tax rebates, tv licence, covid testing, etc. People should be very mindful of who they are speaking to. If something does not feel right do not share information. Be especially suspicious if you are asked for bank details. These sorts of scams need to be reported to Action Fraud online or telephone 0300 123 2040. The police do not really investigate this type of crime unless a suspect is known which is very rare.
O2 Centre. Vision for future. This may be rather far from us but some may be interested. But you can have a say in future devt. Link
Xmas tree recycling. Several options as usual:
- If you have a green bin you can cut the tree up and put in green bin.
- Take it to reuse and recycling centre Abbey Road NW10 7TJ
- Arrange for it to be take as part of Brent’s special collection service; (costs £35 for up to 5 items so only worth including it you have lot of other stuff)
- Take the tree to one of Brent’s tree re-cycling points . Nearest to us is Gladstone Park – entrance off Kendal Road (up to 10 Jan). There are other locations (more on link)
- Alternatively use one of pop-up location next Saturday 9 Jan; the convenient one for us is Lydford Road at the junction with St Gabriel’s – 9am to 11am
And don’t for get to donate old Xmas cards to Leslie Daisley’s charity (The Paul Daisley trust to raise awareness of colon cancer). She and her sister Caroline make them into new cards to sell in aid of the trust. Drop them off to me at 64 Teignmouth Road (if I’m not in leave in plastic bag outside door); or to Lesley Daisley at 11 Montrose Avenue. (You can also drop in MapRA renewal at same time if you need / want to renew – see below)
Missing cat (lucky). Our chair, David Freedman was starting to foster an underweight, very anxious and timid cat from the RSPCA Mayhew Home but he escaped a few days ago during the night. He ran off into the back gardens of Exeter Road and Watling Gardens estate. If you see Lucky approach him slowly; black with white markings. If found, please phone him on 020 8452 5720 or the Mayhew Home on 020 960 8000. https://themayhew.org or to a vet where the microchip can be read and the Mayhew Home will come up as owners.