MapRA newsletter
Reminder about the MapRA AGM
The AGM will be on zoom platform Thursday 22 April at 7.30 pm. There will be a report on the activities of the last two years, a financial report and we will elect a new committee and officers for the forthcoming year. The chair’s report and financial report will be available on the website from next weekend. Prior to the meeting I will send out a reminder, agenda, list of candidates standing for election and a link to the actual meeting. As David said in the initial AGM notice we wish to encourage you to consider standing for the committee as there is always some turnover and we welcome fresh faces and minds. Should you be interested in standing for the committee and would like to discuss it informally you are most welcome to contact me on 07931 955037 or David on 020 8452 5720.
Keen that the website is fully up to date by the AGM. If you notice anything wrong or absent please let me know and we’ll correct it.
Vaccination during Ramadan.
Ramadan poses special problems for Muslims, whose religious beliefs limit their activities during Ramadan (starts 12 April and ends 12 May). Luckily, special, post-sunset arrangements have now been made at the Brent Central mosque vaccination centre: Week 1 vaccination sessions Tuesday 8.45pm – 945pm & Friday 10am – 1pm; week 2,3&4 Monday – Thursday 845pm – 945pm, Friday 10am-1pm, Week 5 Monday 845pm-945pm.
Mosque members can book their vaccine by emailing or calling 03000 33 99 52 between 10am and 4pm. Will be asked for full name, date of birth, NHS number and contact number.
(Cllr Ahmad Shadzad and his partner Qaseem Bhai have continued to deliver a complimentary lunch for volunteers & NHS doctors at the Brent Central Mosque Vaccination Centre in appreciation of all the work they do)
Oaklands Road pedestrianisation; effect on pollution.
Airlabs carried out monitoring of the effect by real time air pollution sensing. Result was a 20% reduction in NO2 and 13% reduction in O3 from local sources at Oaklands Road. The project was successful in meeting the targeted reduction in pollutants and increasing the awareness of the specific environmental context in the area under consideration. The monitoring will continue and will feed into the Brent Council ongoing monitoring.
Cricklewood Community Library.
Despite great progress on painting and fitting out, work on the library is not quite finished. They need to finish the reception/cafe bar and corridor shelving area, which is anticipated to cost in the region of £35,000. They are applying for funds from Brent’s NCIL (community infrastructure levy) funding. One of the qualifying criteria for this is to demonstrate community support and need for the project; they need to have 40 people demonstrate support for the project. This support could take the form of an email (to, or you could share a Tweet, Instagram or Facebook post in support.
MapRA film club.
Organised by Susie Songhurst who currently circulates each week a few films which appear on terrestrial channels with one ‘film of the week’ which can be streamed. She chooses a wide cross section of films – young and old. She has approximately 35 members at present and hope they dip in now again – obviously can’t expect them to watch everything! They have a discussion on Zoom, about the Film of the Week recommendation from the previous week’s listings. Once people are out and about again this will cease and they’ll go back to the original routine of going to the cinema, every couple of weeks or so. If you are interested in joining them let me know and I’ll pass your details to Susie.
Reminder Spring zoom quiz.
Saturday 17 April 2021. 7.15 for 7.30pm; join them from on zoom. £5 a head, £3 concessions. Individuals and Groups (up to 8 a team) are welcome. Booking and payment before 13 April. For booking and payment information, please email or tel 07981 717572.
Dyson Loyalty Programme scam email
Whether you own a Dyson product or not, watch out for an email purporting to be from Dyson promising ‘prizes’ as part of a fake loyalty program. More
Duke of Edinburgh
Have been surprised to be rather affected by the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. Clearly an active, intelligent and under-rated (by me anyway) man who, whatever one thinks of the monarchy, was clearly an asset to the country.
Current local Planning applications
(For details search Brent Planning. New items in red)
- App: 21/0872, 48 Keyes Road. Comments by 22 April. Single storey rear extension and extension of existing adjacent rear terrace.
Virus Support information. Book free covid test.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;
Cricklewood Library
Latest from Brent Council: From the Mayor following the death of HRH Duke of Edinburgh
Culture in Brent Wembley and Kilburn Libraries reopen for browsing
London National Park City Network Newsletter.
Gerry Weston: