MapRA newsletter

Covid Vaccine and Scams

From a few days ago, the NHS has begun inviting people to receive their coronavirus vaccine via text message. More on NHS Press release.
And for advice on how to protect yourself from scam text messages – Smishing, see message from Police Covid Vaccine Text Scams

Thanks to volunteers

Local councillor Ahmad Shahzad and his friend Qaseem Bhaga delivered complementary food to volunteers at the Vaccine centre at Brent Central Mosque Station Parade, where hundreds of people of all faiths and none get vaccinated every week. A nice thought to thank the volunteers.

Brent Health Matters

Time to talk event on Next Wednesday 17 March, 5.30-730pm. Brent residents are invited to join the council and NHS partners where details about the Brent Health Matters programme to address health inequalities in the borough will be explained and workshops will be carried out to listen to communities. To register go to:
The aim of the event is to set the current Covid and health inequalities context and then engage faith, community, voluntary groups and organisations, local residents and businesses across the borough in designing and delivering the Brent Health Matters programme that is being implemented to tackle local health inequality issues. Brent wants to gather feedback from the community on

  • their perceptions of local health inequality issues and
  • what local action plans should include to address these issues.


No doubt you have received your census letter in the post. If you will need help filling it in on next Sunday 21 March contact your local census engagement manager, Harshil Shah, He can run a ‘virtual completion event’ with you, guiding you through the questions and addressing any concerns you may have.
If you can’t complete the census online, there are a number of options available:

  • Find your nearest census support centre by entering your postcode, and they can provide telephone assistance. Click here
  • Contact the Census freephone helpline to help complete the census here or call 0800 141 2021 (you can also request accessibility resources e.g. large print, easy read on the phone line or here)
  • For support in different languages see here or call 0800 587 2021
  • Request a paper questionnaire here or call 0800 876 6276
  • If you haven’t filled in the questionnaire, field officers will be visiting households (socially distanced and never entering households with proper PPE). They will always carry ID and wear a high vis, and will never ask to enter your property or ask for any payment or personal details. They can provide paper questionnaires and provide brief assistance.

Our local census manager will be running an event with Brent Council on next Thursday 18th March 530-630pm, about what happens to the data you submit in the questionnaires, how it’s processed and why census data is useful. on zoom, sign up here:

Current local Planning applications

(For details search Brent Planning. New items in red)
None current at the moment


Virus Support information. Book free covid test.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;
Cricklewood Library
Latest from Brent Council: Thanks to all ou r amazing teachers
Culture in Brent Celebrate International Women’s day
London National Park City Network Newsletter.

Gerry Weston: