Homeless during Covid-19. Brent Council has successfully placing 250 single homeless people into emergency accommodation. The Council is currently supporting these individuals people to move from this emergency accommodation, into appropriate more suitable housing. The majority will receive an offer of accommodation in the private rented sector, while people with higher support needs will be offered accommodation in supported housing. People who are homeless, or threatened with homelessness, can call Brent’s Housing Contact Centre on 020 8937 2000 (choosing option 3) or visit https://www.brent.gov.uk/services-for-residents/housing/worried-about-homelessness/. People worried about someone sleeping rough can also visit the Street link London website: www.streetlink.org.uk
MapRA donations. Over the last weeks the MapRA committee has helped various groups with donations. (We have in the past been criticised for not using our funds effectively and have decided that we can best use some of it to support those who need help at this time.) So far we have donated a total of £2500: £1000 to Mutual Aid Willesden, £750 to the Trussell Trust foodbank; £750 to the Sufra foodbank. We trust that members are happy with this. However, these groups always need continuing support and I hope that members will also be generous in supporting them directly.
Mutual Aid Food, Willesden. Newsletter no 8. Highlights: Since 23 March they have provided aid for 4,540 people. They are now in partnership with Christians Against Poverty at St Gabriel’s church. They have nearly hit their fund raising target of £25000; but still great need so now raising target to £50,000. They will be soon running a raffle; offers for raffle prizes welcome (prizes so far include, 1 year’s membership to The Lexi Cinema, Luxury food hamper donated by Thomas Franks.) Please drop them a note at MutualAidFoodWillesden@gmail.com or 020 8050 2867 if you have a prize to donate! You can leave food donations in the yellow wheelie bin outside the Pakistan Community Centre, Marley Walk between 9am – 6pm.
Brent testing facility. If you have virus symptoms, then get tested at Harlesden Town Garden, Challenge Close, Harlesden, NW10 4BF. 10am-5pm. To book, call 020 8937 4440
‘Which’ magazine report on APP (Authorised Push Payment) fraud which they reckon is on the rise.
Bags of manure. Lucy tells me that a pony centre nearby; ”The Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre on Scrubs Lane” is offering bags of manure available to collect, asking for a small donation to their gofundme page on their website . They, like many charities, are in need of help at this time. Opening hours 10am – 2pm Monday – Sunday. It would be advisable to ring first 020 8740 0573. General enquiries wormwoodscrubsponycentre@gmail.com
Virus Support information
- For the latest NHS advice on coronavirus, visit www.nhs.uk/coronavirus.
- For the latest Brent-specific information, visit www.brent.gov.uk/coronavirus.
- Patient Access. Easy access to heathcare services https://www.patientaccess.com/
- How to prepare and what to do if fall ill with it. (Info on our website)
- If you are able to help others go to this WhatsApp group: https://tinyurl.com/MMAzonegroupthis should direct you to the appropriate Mapesbury subgroup. Or ring 07311 428653. If you know anyone who needs any support please direct them to their local Mutual Aid Group or let me know. Our website shows the flyer (distributed by the group) with contact details.
- If you know someone who is extremely vulnerable to coronavirus because they are elderly or have underlying health issues, you or they can register them for the government’s coronavirus support service. The service can help with delivering essential supplies and any extra care they might need. Call 0800 028 8327 or register on the government website address https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus-extremely-vulnerable
- One can report a large group of people gathering by calling the Community Safety team on 0208 937 1058 or email community.safety@brent.gov.uk
- For government guidance for people in danger of domestic abuse during coronavirus, go to https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-and-domestic-abuse. The 24/7 National Domestic Abuse helpline, which offers support to victims and people affected by domestic abuse, is free to call on 0808 2000 247
- Guidance if you’re on the ‘shielded’ list, please see the NHS advice for people at high risk from coronavirus.