MapRA newsletter
Police information
Information about current Covid and Vaccine Scams link.
Information about recent Met Police operations to stop thefts of catalytic converters; link
St Gabriel’s church open.
St Gabriel’s is glad to be open again for Easter events! All info at including a passion play screened on Good Friday at 4pm: ‘Breaking Day’ by Riding Lights Theatre Company. Tickets are £10 for a seat in church or for a link for a device at home (so any number of people can watch together).
Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy Fund (NCIL)
New round of applications open until 3 May 21. The NCIL Fund provides grants for community projects that support the regeneration of the borough. At least 15 per cent of all the money Brent collects from new, eligible, developments in the borough must be spent on priorities that are agreed in consultation with the local community. For this purpose Brent is divided into five ‘CIL Neighbourhoods’; Harlesden, Kilburn and Kensal, Kingsbury and Kenton, Wembley, and Willesden. To apply, you must be a registered organisation. The maximum amount which applicants can apply for is £250,000. Further details on link: Let us know of any ideas for application to improve the area.
Changes to parking in Chichele Road.
Brent has received complaints from local residents and bus drivers about obstructive parking location in Chichele Road. Proposing to extend double yellow line to cover 2 to 6 Chichele Road. If you require any further information on the scheme or to make comments, please contact Mr Annesley (Traffic Engineer) on 020 8937 5600; or email him at
Gladstone park litter pick.
Saturday 3 April, 10am-12noon meet at Anson Road entrance to park, all welcome; organised by Friends of Gladstone Park.
Spring zoom quiz.
Saturday 17 April 2021. 7.15 for 7.30pm; join them from your sofa! £5 a head, £3 concessions. Individuals and Groups (up to 8 a team) are welcome. Booking and payment before 13 April.
For booking and payment information, please email or tel 07981 717572. Organised by GoWesthampstead, the Community Events arm of the Community Association for West Hampstead.
They also have a programs of online short courses- on gardening; smartphone photography; and line dancing. Also film club; a quiz and a childrens’ programme (cook along, arts and Crafts, stories, cycling, football). If interested contact please contact as above.
Current local Planning applications
(For details search Brent Planning. New items in red)
- App: 21/0872, 48 Keyes Road. Comments by 22 April. Single storey rear extension and extension of existing adjacent rear terrace.
- App: 21/0714, 107B Cricklewood Broadway. Comments by 2 April. Proposed mansard roof extension and raising of height to existing chimney stacks to second floor flat
Virus Support information. Book free covid test.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;
Cricklewood Library
Latest from Brent Council: one year on
Culture in Brent Reading friends events
London National Park City Network Newsletter.
Gerry Weston: