MapRA newsletter
Dear Members,
I would like to invite you to the AGM of Mapesbury Residents’ Association (MapRA) which will be held via Zoom on Thursday 22 April at 730pm.
In April it will be two years since we held our last AGM and both Gerry Weston, Organising Secretary, and I feel it is important that we report to you on the activities of the last two years, present a financial report and elect a new committee and officers for the forthcoming year. I regret that will not be possible to have our usual AGM in St Gabriel’s Church this time.
We will need to elect a new Chair, as I am standing down after three years, and new Honorary Treasurer. Gerry Weston has, very kindly, indicated that he is happy to continue as Organising Secretary and we are all very grateful to him.
I would like to encourage you to consider standing for the committee as there is always some turnover and we welcome fresh faces and minds. The committee meets a minimum of four times a year and much of the activity takes place outside of these meetings. MapRA has a number of important functions. As an umbrella organisation, it helps facilitate a large number of interest groups within Mapesbury including bridge playing, book reading/discussion groups, theatre visits, cinema visits, gardening and walking. MapRA also has two quasi-independent sub-committees that do very important work; the Planning Sub-Committee comments on planning proposals that affect us and is able to offer highly experienced and expert advice on other planning issues. The Gardening Sub-Committee holds regular meetings and organises our wonderful biennial Open Gardens Day. MapRA also makes disbursements to local organisations and initiatives, which we will detail in the Annual and Financial Reports. Externally, MapRA is seen by Brent Council as the key link in the discussion of developments, repairs and changes to our conservation area, and we also foster links with other local groups, residents’ associations and initiatives.
Should you be interested in standing for the committee and would like to discuss it informally you are most welcome to contact me on 020 8452 5720 or Gerry Weston on 07931 955037.
Prior to the meeting we will send out papers to you which will include an agenda, a review of our activities of the last two years, a financial statement of the last two years and a list of candidates standing for election to the committee.
Closer to the meeting, we will send out reminders and a link to the actual meeting.
I hope you are managing to negotiate your way through the pandemic and that you are keeping well and safe.
With kind regards.
David Freedman, Chair MapRA
11 Exeter Road, London, NW2 4SJ, UK.
+44(0)20 8452 5720 (landline), +44(0)7973 885236 (mobile)
Vaccination at the Mosque
The Friday pop-up mosque vaccination site has now been given an email booking link and telephone number. Locals can email or 03000 339952 with name, DOB, NHS Number, Contact Number. When appointments are fully booked up a closed message will be recorded on the telephone line.
Any overflow lists will only be managed on the door and a list is being collated by the door stewards for days when there is excess vaccine or other centres send their excess to the mosque site.
Current local Planning applications
(For details search Brent Planning. New items in red)
- App: 21/0449, Merrion House, 169-171 Cricklewood Broadway. Comments by 11 March. Removal of external metal staircase to existing flats.
- App: 20/1667, 12A St Gabriel’s Road. Comments by 11 March. Revised plans. Proposed rear raised terrace to rear of flat and new boundary fence.
- App: 21/0359, 73 Cricklewood Broadway. Comments by 4 March. Erection of a single storey rear extension and detached outbuilding to ground floor restaurant to accommodate additional seating, serving bar, accessible toilet and storage.
- App: 21/0028, 18 Exeter Road. Comments by 11 march. Change of use from HMO ) to single dwelling with: demolition of front extension, single storey rear extension, conversion of loft to habitable space with rear roof extension connecting to existing tower, sash windows to replace non-original windows to front and rear, changes to side fenestration, new boundary treatment, bin storage to front garden area and associated hard and soft landscaping.
- App: 20/0480, 39 Dartmouth Road. Approved subject to conditions. Conversion of maisonette over ground and first floors into two separate residential units. Reduced width of glazed doors to ground floor side elevation.
Virus Support information. Book free covid test.
Guide to tradesmen and services.
Ashford Place;
Cricklewood Library
Latest from Brent Council: Road map to recovery
Culture in Brent: Library Click and Collect service is back
Gerry Weston: